Sunday 8 June 2008

Ladies Only Wing Chun Training

The London Wing Chun Academy is currently running a 'ladies only' weekly workshop. The training session is organised by the students and overseen by one of our Assitant Instructors. Here's what one of the students has had to say about the class:

"The ladies session gives us the opportunity to improve our technique on a one-to-one basis as appose to a mixed, larger class. Typically we practice skills and combinations that have been taught earlier in that particular week, however as the session is informal the material varies accordingly. Female students that are working towards their grading also use the session to practice the skills required and get feedback from senior members on their progress.

Personally, I look forward to the ladies session because it is at the end of the week, it makes me feel more confident in a mixed class and it has encouraged me to focus more on my technique. The female students naturally have mixed abilities so it gives you exposure to some more advanced training if you choose to. The atmosphere is relaxed and everybody is encouraged to add some input into the content of the session, so we come away feeling really positive having focused on our weaknesses.

The duration of each session varies depending on the volume of students and how much time we are willing to put in. As the majority of students at the association are men it’s re-assuring for the female students to gather for extra training and to share our experiences."

For more information on our classes please visit our website

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